Bonding Services
Bonding bunnies can be time-consuming, frustrating, and even a little scary!
If you are having trouble bonding your bunnies, sometimes a new environment can help.
Conditions and Pricing
We require a minimum of a one-week commitment. Many rabbits take longer (10 - 14 days).
All rabbits MUST be spayed/neutered at least six weeks before bonding, no exceptions.
Not all bunnies are good candidates for "marathon" bonding. A screening process will help determine your buns' suitability.
After your bunnies' stay at Pepper's Place, we'll provide a set of recommendations based on your rabbits' bonding experience that we encourage you to follow, but we cannot guarantee that bonds will hold once you take the rabbits home. Bunnies may return to territorial behaviors once they are back in a familiar environment, and you will likely need to keep working with them to help them build and strengthen their bond.
Cost: $300. There may be an additional cost if also boarding, depending on the length of the stay. If we cannot get your bunnies to a point where they can spend 72 consecutive hours together, we will discount half the bonding fee. Bonding bunnies can be a very time-consuming endeavor, particularly in the first few days until the initial bond is formed.
There is always a risk of injury when bonding rabbits. We have never had to take a rabbit to the vet because of a bonding incident. However, rabbits can be unpredictable, and despite our vigilance, it's possible that an injury can occur. When you enroll your rabbits in our bonding program, we will ask you to sign a form acknowledging this risk and providing vet information in case of an injury.
The Process
We have successfully bonded dozens of happy bunny couples. Every bunny is unique, and there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach. We work with you and the bunnies to figure out what works for them and move at their pace.
We start with a consultation to get to know your bunnies' situation and work out a bonding plan. Following the House Rabbit Society guidelines, we spend 2 - 4 hours a day working directly with the bunnies and provide 24/7 supervision when they are together, even sleeping near them in case of any night scuffles. We will keep you updated with at least one progress report every day.
Bonding starts in side-by-side spaces that are smaller than a typical pen size. This is intentional so that the bunnies will be encouraged to interact with each other and not hide away in corners. During active bonding, short 24-inch pens are used so Alisha can reach into the pens and break up any scuffles as necessary. Bunnies rarely jump out of these pens during bonding, but they are not left alone in them unsupervised.
Once the bunnies have spent at least 72 hours together with no fighting, we consider them well on their way to a long-term bond.
Aurora and Clover
A love story.
We often start the introductions in a carrier. Buns are less likely to fight in small spaces and if they do, they often stop as soon as they feel the carrier moving.
First Signs of Love
After a few days of intensive bonding sessions, grooming and cuddling started!
A Romantic Dinner
A shared meal can be a good indicator of how the bond is going! Many bunnies will try to grab the last bite from each other, and when they're able to share food without it turning into a fight, you're well on your way to a solid bond!
A Bond is Formed!
After 72 hours together with lots of positive bonded bunny behavior and no fighting in a large pen area, your bunnies can go home! Many familes decide to leave their bunnies with us longer than that to really lock in the bond. By the time Aurora and Clover went back home after about 10 days with us, they were fully bonded.
. . . Happily Ever Afer!
We can't guarantee that your bunnies' bond will remain intact forever, but most do, especially if you keep working with them once you bring them back home. There's nothing cuter than two bunnies in love!
2024 Bun Love!
Here are the 2024 Pepper's Place Bonding Couples, Trios, and Quartets. You can see both the successes and the "not yets."
Current status: 75% success rate.
Thumper and Milo
Some buns are incompatible, and we believe that was the case with Milo and Thumper. Even though we say "not yet," and Alisha does believe that all bunnies can learn to get along eventually, she also believes that in some cases it's not worth the time and stress! Milo had a very strong dislike for Thumper. Thumper would try to groom Milo, and Milo would bat him away and grunt. Thumper got tired of this, and they started fighting pretty intensely. Alisha even spent more time working with them than usual, but nothing helped. We tried Milo with one of our foster buns, and he was perfectly sweet and comfortable. He's willing to bond, just not with Thumper!
Zoey and Murphy
Murphy (Dutchie) was very eager to become friends with Zoey, but he also wanted to hump her, which she did not appreciate. She would grunt and swat him whenever he got close. This bond took a lot of hands-on work to help the buns get past their issues. Having a stuffed animal helped a lot, as Murphy could turn to Pua the Pig when Zoey rebuffed him. So did having a hiding place for Zoey where she could go when Murphy got too amorous.
Tantu and Tiger
Tiger's name refers mostly to his beautiful stripes, but he does have a bit of fight in him! However, the real barrier to this bond was this gorgeous otter bun Tantu. Tantu seemed to like being a loner and was not willing to give Tiger a chance. Alisha tried all sorts of tricks, but Tantu was firm.
Guinness and Shiloh
Guinness and Shiloh have a big age difference (5+ years), but there had been promising signs of love at home. However, when they got to Pepper's, they started fighting. Shiloh was very nervous and needed some time to warm up to Alisha. Even after that, the usual bonding methods were not working. Because Guinness was young and adventurous, Alisha thought she would try something unorthodox: start in a big pen and then go small rather than the other way around. It worked beautifully! She spent the first few hours in the pen to make sure there was no fighting, but their bond just grew stronger. It took almost two weeks, but now they are home and still doing great together!
Oliver and Mochi
Cutie little Oliver is a Pepper's Place favorite, and we were so excited when his family was fostering another little lionhead mix bun and brought them to us for bonding! Mochi and Ollie had a pretty typical bonding process: suspicious and nippy at the beginning of the week, inseparable snuggle bugs by the end. Their family says they love holding paws <3.
Lolli and Baloo
Baloo, the most adorable Jersey Wooly, was eyeing the oh-so-fluffy foster bun Lolli during his stay. His mom decided to let them meet. Baloo, who was a bit sassy with Alisha, was nothing but sweet with Lolli. The two went home together, and Lolli is living her best life with an amazing bun mom and dad!
Butters and Bonnet
These two are a classic case of when it's best to try a long, slow bond rather than a short, quick one. They can't be in close proximity together in any environment without trying to fight, even though there seems to be interest when they are separated in the form of lying next to the gate. Alisha did a lot of "snuggle time" with these buns but couldn't take her hands off of them, or they would latch on to each other and not let go.
Louis and Cocoa
We tried to bond Louis with Bella last year (see below) but little Bella came from a hoarding situation and just doesn't trust anyone. This year, we tried again with another bun, Cocoa, and it worked!
Noobi and Neebi
These cuties are so sweet! They took a lot of hands-on work initially because Neebi (white) wouldn't groom Noobi. We all crossed our fingers that she would because he wanted her kisses very badly, which caused some problems in the beginning. They eventually worked through it, and we sent them home, a bonded couple. A few hours after they got home, she finally started grooming him! Now they are closer than ever.
Garth, Beans, & Chewie
Tried for Trio, Got Pair
Trios are tricky. This was a male, male, female group of solo buns. Alisha tried to get the males to bond first because they were the most oppositional, but that was difficult because Chewie was very nervous, and they were ready to fight at the slightest movement. She tried pairing both males individually with Beans, the female. Garth and Beans hit it off. The plan is to let Garth and Beans solidify their bond for a few weeks or months and then try to bring Chewie back in to make this couple a thruple!
Marvel, Bean, Ginger
Bean and Ginger (lops) were already bonded, and the goal was to add Marvel, who had lost his mate, to the pair. Little Marvel seemed like he wanted to be the alpha of the group, so it took a while for the trio to sort that out. Luckily, Bean was very patient, and Ginger was willing to compromise, so they worked out most of their issues at Pepper's and finished the bond at home!
Bun Bun and Hun Hun
We tried SO HARD with these cuties and came so close! These boys would snuggle and groom each other one second and fight viciously the next. Alisha thinks they will bond eventually, but after the fighting, they need a cool-down period before we can try again. Sometimes bonding can be frustrating because you believe it will work and put a lot of time and effort in, only to be disappointed in the end.
Bun Bun and Hun Hun
We tried SO HARD with these cuties and came so close! These boys would snuggle and groom each other one second and fight viciously the next. Alisha thinks they will bond eventually, but after the fighting, they need a cool-down period before we can try again. Sometimes bonding can be frustrating because you believe it will work and put a lot of time and effort in, only to be disappointed in the end.
Bun Bun and Hun Hun
We tried SO HARD with these cuties and came so close! These boys would snuggle and groom each other one second and fight viciously the next. Alisha thinks they will bond eventually, but after the fighting, they need a cool-down period before we can try again. Sometimes bonding can be frustrating because you believe it will work and put a lot of time and effort in, only to be disappointed in the end.
Bun Bun and Hun Hun
We tried SO HARD with these cuties and came so close! These boys would snuggle and groom each other one second and fight viciously the next. Alisha thinks they will bond eventually, but after the fighting, they need a cool-down period before we can try again. Sometimes bonding can be frustrating because you believe it will work and put a lot of time and effort in, only to be disappointed in the end.
Bun Bun and Hun Hun
We tried SO HARD with these cuties and came so close! These boys would snuggle and groom each other one second and fight viciously the next. Alisha thinks they will bond eventually, but after the fighting, they need a cool-down period before we can try again. Sometimes bonding can be frustrating because you believe it will work and put a lot of time and effort in, only to be disappointed in the end.
Bun Bun and Hun Hun
We tried SO HARD with these cuties and came so close! These boys would snuggle and groom each other one second and fight viciously the next. Alisha thinks they will bond eventually, but after the fighting, they need a cool-down period before we can try again. Sometimes bonding can be frustrating because you believe it will work and put a lot of time and effort in, only to be disappointed in the end.
Bun Bun and Hun Hun
We tried SO HARD with these cuties and came so close! These boys would snuggle and groom each other one second and fight viciously the next. Alisha thinks they will bond eventually, but after the fighting, they need a cool-down period before we can try again. Sometimes bonding can be frustrating because you believe it will work and put a lot of time and effort in, only to be disappointed in the end.
2023 Bun Love!
Here are the 2023 Pepper's Place Bonding Couples, Trios, and Quartets. You can see both the successes and the "not yets."
Loki and Bun Bun
These two buns were our first bonded pair of the new year! They were a little tricky because Bun Bun had a sassy streak and Loki's instinct was to run, but after 10 days they were officially bonded and ready to go home together.
Rino and Espresso
Second Try Success!
Espresso's mom adopted Rino as a friend for her. Despite positive signs at the meet and greet, it did not go well at home. On their first visit to Pepper's to attempt bonding, they attacked each other so viciously that Alisha sent them home to live side-by-side for a few months before trying again, Now they're best friends and have been bonded since May! Sometimes it takes more than one try.
Bonnie and David
Bonnie's family adopted David about a year after they adopted Bonnie in the hopes that they would couple up. After a few unsuccussful months, they had a romantic getaway at Pepper's Place and are now happily wed.
Oreo and Peanut
These cuties were a textbook bonding experience. We had to wait until Peanut was at least 6 weeks post-neuter to get started (8 weeks is even better!), and once we got started, everything went according to plan. By day 3 we had them together 24/7 and the rest is history!
Millie and Wesley
Millie and Wesley's parents had been trying very hard to get these two bonded. They were almost ready to give up but decided to give Pepper's Place a shot, and we were able to get them together in only a few days. They couldn't believe it! We're so happy these two were able to honeymoon here and discover their love.
Coco and Oreo
These sisters were previously bonded but had a breakup, and their family wanted to help them get back together again. A week at Pepper's and some follow-up work at home seemed to do the trick! They're now back home in their shared space, snuggling away.
Nettle and Monty
Second Try Success!
We first attempted to bond Nettle with a nervous little bun named Acorn. They weren't a match, but Nettle and Monty were! Nettle's parents decided to keep anxious little Acorn as a solo bun and help Nettle find true love elsewhere, and she found it with Monty. These two buns started the bonding process with their family and solidified it at Pepper's. Look how sweet and snuggly they are!
Patty and Wyatt
Alisha is not taking all the credit for this one . . . this was an unusual couple. They seemed like a standard bond and were happily together for almost a week at Pepper's, but then they suddenly started fighting and had to be separated. Their human parents were able to get them back together at home. They now live happily together, and the parents are considering making the duo a trio with a newly-rescued bun.
Alice, Basil, Pepper, and Benji
Quartet turned Trio
This quartet took three weeks, and held for about three months before it ended up turning into a trio. The three Netherland Dwarves ended up sticking together, but Alice, the English Spot, was nipping them and so their mom had to remove her for everyone's safety.
Beaux and Cosmo
This cute couple was so close! Their mom had been working with them for a while, but they weren't quite there yet. A romantic vacation at Pepper's Place was just what they needed to solidify their bond and become the best of friends!
Jazzy and Tapper
These young lops were an easy bond. They had their first date the same night they arrived. Young Tapper was hormonal and chased Jazzy around a bit, but there was no fighting. They were together the next day and before long they were snuggling, sharing a litterbox, and getting along beautifully. Jazzy is very patient with the amorous young Tapper and we think they'll grow up to be the best of friends!
Coco and Dash
This couple was here at the same time as Tapper and Jazzy, and they were the opposite of an easy bond. The first week was nothing but "tornado" fighting, even in the carrier! Alisha was nearly ready to give up, but we finally had a breakthrough in week two. By the time these two left, they had been peacefully together for six straight days with lots of snuggles, sharing, and even some grooming!
Sammy and Mocha
We always hope for snuggles when bonding, but Sammy and Mocha took it to a new level! These cute boys were all over each other by the time they left, quite literally.
Bowie, Daisy, and Koda
This trio had previously been bonded, but the bond had broken and they had gotten into some major fights. Their mom hoped that a vacation at Pepper's would rekindle their love, but the bad memories were too strong. Sweet Koda (white and gray) was willing to make peace, but the other two couldn't be together without human intervention for more than a few seconds. If your buns fight during home bonding, always end on a good note before separating them. "Supervised cuddles" (also known as "table bonding") can be a good way to end a negative session before separating them.
Avery, Meredith, Pooh
The last trio didn't work out, but this one did! Avery was a bit stubborn but got along with Meredith. Pooh just wanted to be loved and couldn't understand why Avery kept nipping him, and Meredith was a happy gal who got along with everyone. Eventually, everyone worked out their issues, and these three solo buns left a happy trio.
Chaos and Connie
Chaos is a Pepper's Place favorite! Quite a while after adopting this cutie, their family found out that Chaos had a sibling who was in very bad shape and had to rescue her. Four months and three surgeries later, Connie and Chaos were ready to bond. They were snippy and sassy when they came but soooo snuggly and cute by the time they left!
Louis and Bella
These little buns weren't quite ready to bond. Bella is a very nervous little bun, and even though Louis was willing to be friends, Bella's fear made her instinctually go into attack mode whenever she was around him. Alisha was able to work them through several hours of "snuggle sessions," (pictured here) but couldn't get them past that without Bella panicking. They need more time to let Bella get used to being around Louis and realize that he is not a threat before we can try bonding again!
Stitch and Bella
Bella and Stitch are half of a quartet that were all solo buns when they arrived. We were optimistic that we might get a full quartet, but it quickly became apparent that was wishful thinking with three girls. Their family was quite pleased that we got two happy couples.
Bae Max and Chia
Here is the other half of the quartet! Yes, the black buns look nearly identical, but they're two different buns. These sweet girls continued working on their bond back at home and are now mutual groomers.
Peaches and Ollie
These two had started bonding at home but needed a little extra support to get them to stop scuffling. They're doing much better now. Ollie still chases a little but Peaches seems to think it's a game, and it ends in snuggles instead of scuffles.
Indigo and Libby
These buns weren't fighting, but Indigo was very excited by the lovely Libby. They needed to learn how to coexist without Indigo constantly mounting her. By the end of their time at Pepper's, they were best buddies instead of lovers.
Roxy, Harvey, and Lily
What an adorable trio! These three came in as solo buns who had some experience with each other but hadn't been able to live together. The girls were both struggling for dominance and they needed some supervised bonding time to be safe as they figured out the pecking order.
Teddy and Mittens
Beautiful rex bun Mittens was rescued from being turned into a pair of actual mittens (!) and we were able to help her find love with the adorable brown lop Teddy.
Gertie and Rusty
In Progress
Poor Gertie . . . she is such a nervous bun! Rusty was willing to be friends and would start grooming Gertie as soon as they were together, but Gertie was too scared and reacted badly to the presence of another bun, even when he was being affectionate, which made Rusty nervous and on edge. Gertie needs time to get over her past pre-rescue trauma before we can attempt bonding again!
Weewee and Weegie
We loved these two bunnies' fun names! Wee and Weeg wanted to be together and just needed some help learning how to get along. We got them together in less than 24 hours, and the rest of the week was just about building and strengthening that bond.
Evie, Mr. T, and Haku
Broken Bond
People often ask us if bonds break when the buns return home. Alisha could always say "not yet" until this cute little trio. Haku (gray) bonded with the pre-existing pair at Pepper's. All went well for a few weeks until a fight broke out, and this trio split back up. We offered to rebond them, but the family decided to keep them apart. So, while rare, it is possible! If that happens, we will refund half the bonding fee and/or attempt to rebond them.
Bandit and Ivory
These two buns just weren't ready to bond yet. The closest we could get them to each other was for this photo shoot! They'll need to spend more time in side-by-side pens and switching territories before they are comfortable enough with each other to attempt 24/7 bonding again, which we hope to try in the Spring!
Baby and Honey Bun
These two lovely ladies are captured here in a rare snuggly moment. Some buns leave here without being very affectionate, and that's okay! Bonding doesn't always mean falling in love. Sometimes, it just means peaceful coexistence. Cuddle buns are cute but not required for a successful bond.
Eggs and Ham
These buns already had a jump start on bonding at home, but their human mom was a bit nervous to continue the process so she brought them here. Eggs was quite nippy at first, but Ham was a generous groomer and soon won Eggs over. Now they're the perfect pair!
Marmie and Bessie
Female bonds can be tough, but as you can see from the above stories, we've had a few successful ones! Unfortunately, Marmie and Bessie were not among them. Bessie was very willing to make friends, but little Marmie was not!
Stella and Bleu
It was love at first sight for foster bunny Bleu and the lovely Stella! This was a ridiculously easy bond. The buns were instantly smitten with each other and just hung out at Pepper's for a few days for a little honeymoon before heading home.
Wonton and Mocha
This seemed like it was going to be an easy bond. These buns had chosen each other in a speed dating session at a rescue and were grooming, snuggling, and able to be together for hours with no issues, but then fights would suddenly break out, seemingly for no reason. We tried again a few weeks later, and it was even worse. Then, we tried Mocha with a different rabbit, which didn't go well. We concluded that Mocha was not over losing her previous mate, Baxter, and is not ready for a new partner.
Coco and Clover
In Progress
This was another bond that initially seemed to be going well but didn't quite work! Little Clover seems to be bipolar. Sometimes he's sweet and snuggly, other times he's the "OG" as his family affectionately calls him (old grumpy)! These two also chose each other during speed dating and got along for a few days at home, but then started fighting. We believe they'll eventually work out their differences. They are regular boarders, so next time they're here we will try again!